National Federation of Independent Business Endorses Tennessee U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn for Reelection

The National Federation of Independent Business’ (NFIB) political action committee endorsed Tennessee U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) for reelection on Wednesday.

NFIB, which is headquartered in Nashville, is the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization.

Jim Brown, the NFIB Tennessee state director, cited Blackburn’s sponsorship of the Main Street Tax Certainty Act, which would permanently extend the tax deduction for qualified business income.

“Senator Marsha Blackburn has been a consistently strong supporter of small business on critical tax and labor issues. She is a co-sponsor of the Main Street Tax Certainty Act, which will provide vital tax relief and fairness to millions of small businesses, and she will continue to support policies that bolster Tennessee’s job creators, their employees and communities across our state,” Brown said.

NFIB’s Senior National Political Director Sharon Sussin also said the organization was “proud” to endorse Blackburn for reelection, pointing out the senator’s near-perfect NFIB voting record during her tenure in the U.S. Senate.

“On behalf of Tennessee’s small businesses, we are proud to endorse Senator Blackburn for re-election. Senator Blackburn has been a dependable advocate for Main Street, earning a near-perfect NFIB voting record in her tenure in Washington. We look forward to continuing to work with her,” Sussin added.

Blackburn said she was “honored” to be endorsed by NFIB and that she would “always have Main Street’s back in Washington.”

“The best way to grow the economy is to get government out of the way and let small business owners do what they do best – innovate and create new jobs. As inflation and uncertainty plague our small business community, we must focus on cutting reckless spending, making the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent, and reducing regulations that make life harder for entrepreneurs,” Blackburn added.

Blackburn, who serves as the Volunteer State’s first elected female U.S. senator, was first elected to the Senate in 2018, defeating former Governor Phil Bredesen (D) by nearly 11 points.

The incumbent senator, who is endorsed by former President Donald Trump, faces Tennessee Democratic State Representative Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville) in the November 5 general election.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.



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